Alright! You need a new website?
I would love to help you.
Just get in touch with me.
I will make updating and editing your website super easy for you!
I will design a modern and contemporary websites for you – of course optimized for mobile devices! I will support you starting with your idea, to the finished product and the following continuous support. With Wordpress, you will even be able to make changes and updates to your website yourself.
Wordpress is a modern CMS (Content Management System). Worldwide no other CMS is as common as Wordpress. It can be described as software for collaborative creation, editing and organisation of content on websites.
With it, your website can be found easier.
1. I will optimise your website to rank your website higher in the results of search engines. With this “on” and “off”-page optimization you will increase the traffic to your website.
2. I will take over the active marketing side of your website in the search results of these engines (i.e. Google Adwords).
I will support your IT infrastructure and needs
A seamlessly working IT infrastructure is essential for all businesses. I will gladly help you experience an everyday life without downtimes or problems concerning your IT infrastructure. Please contact me to discuss the details!
NextEine Auswahl an Services, welche ich Ihnen gerne anbiete, finden Sie hier:
Ich erstelle Ihren Webauftritt vom ersten Gedanken bis zum fertigen Produkt.
Ich optimiere Ihre Webseite fr Suchmaschinen und bernehmen ausserdem die Vermarktung ber verschiedene Kanle.
Ich bringe Ihre Webseite auf den aktuellsten Stand der Technik. Dazu gehren zum Beispiel Updates oder Upgrades Ihres kompletten CMS-Systems oder einzelner Plugins.
Ich berate und untersttze Sie bei der Anschaffung neuer Hard- und Software.
Ich eruieree die sinnvollste Backuplsung spezifisch auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten.
Ich helfe Ihnen die beste Kommunikationslsung zu finden um Ihren Kunden professionell gegenbertreten zu knnen.
Simply send me your email address. You'll hear from me shortly after.